Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


Problem based learning is a student centered in which student learn about a subject through the experience of solving problem. Student learn both thingking strategis and domain knowledge. Problem based learning represent a paradigm from traditional teaching and learning philosophy.
History problem based learning in the medical school in MC Master University in Hamilton. In the late 1960s by HOWARD BARROWS. The problem based learning curriculum was developed in order to stimulate the learners, assist the learning to future role, maintain a higher lever of motivation towards learning and show the learners the important of responsible and professional attitude.
The use of problem based learning has been adopted by other medical school program. Adopted by undergraduate instruction, as well as elementary, and high school. The use of problem based learning has expanded from it is initial introductioninto medical school program to include education in this areas of other health science, and like other student centered pedagogies, has been motivated by recognition of fealures of traditional instruction. Unlike traditional instruction, problem based learning actively engages the student in constructing knowledge.

Practices :

In problem based learning requires that small group between 6 or 12 student meet twice weekly to woric systematically together on analizing a case, brainstorming, setting learning goals, studying, and coming up wiyh creative solution to problem which reflect real life situation. Problem which reflect real life situation, with working in group, student identify what they already know, what they need to know, how and where to access new information that may lead the resolution the the problem.

There are some practices in problem based learning :

-      Learners are presented with a problem and through discussion within their group, activate their prior knowledge.

-      Within their group, the develop possible theories or hyphotesis to explain the problem together, they identify learning issues to be researched, they construct a share primary model to explain the problem at hand. Facilitators provide scaffold, which is a frame work on which students can construct knowledge relating to the problem.

-      After the initial team work, student work independently in self directed study to research the identified issues.

-      The student are group to discuss their findings and refine their initial explanations based on what they learned.

Role of student :

-      Student learn how to analyze problem.

-      Identify relevant fact.

-      Identify necessary information for salving problem

Role of teacher :

-      To facilitate learning by supporting, gurding, monitoring, the learning process.

-      The teacher must built students confidence to take on the problem and encourage the student.

The goals of problem based learning :

Are to help to student to develop flexible knowledge, affectively problem solving skills, self directed learning, affectively collaboration skills, and intrinsic motivation.

Conclude :

Problem is process of teaching and learning, more realistic in education where the student can work to resolve problem. Student can develop their thinking towards critical thinking and also more creative to do something.

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